V.I.P. Fragrances has been trusted online since 2015. We carry many genuine, brand name fragrances all at discounted prices and work directly with our wholesaler F.G.V. LLC. We offer free shipping within the U.S. with a minimum order of $100.

All of the products showcased throughout our website are 100% original brand names. We only carry genuine brand name perfumes and colognes. Absolutely NO imitations or knock-offs.

To ensure a completely satisfying and enjoyable shopping experience, we strive to provide you with the best possible service. We are committed to offering you the best selection and prices, but our number one concern is providing you with outstanding customer service. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Email us at info@fgvperfumes.com for any questions and/or concerns.

Legal Disclaimer

V.I.P. Fragrances is an independent retailer carrying genuine brand name fragrances. Please note that we are not the manufacturer of any of the products we carry.

We reserve the right to change or update information, prices, and discounts without notice.

A missing, altered or defaced UPC code from a product box or bottle indicates that the manufacturer did not do it. The issue arises after the product leaves the manufacturer's premises.

Please also note that product pictures may vary.